She performed to acclaim throughout Europe after being exiled from the United States for her pro-Soviet sympathies. Onscreen text explains that, after the horrific death of her two children and their governess in an automobile accident in 1913, Duncan choreographed a solo dance of loss titled The Mother. Born in California, she lived in Western Europe and the Soviet Union from the age of 22 until her death at age 50. Isadora gave one of her first dance recitals at the First Unitarian Church. Angela Isadora Duncan ( September 14, 1927) was an American dancer. Instead of fearing critics and people in high society, Duncan bravely introduced what is now considered modern dance to the American and European scene. She was not a classically trained ballerina, however, that never bothered her. 2 Isadora and her mother lived in a boarding house at 483 - 9th Street in Old Oakland. Isadora Duncan was a passionate dancer of the early 20th century.

The Wikipedia article says "Duncan did attend school but, finding it to be constricting to her individuality, she dropped out." 1 Another bio says she dropped out by the age of 10 to be self-educated at the library. Duncan remains a legend of modern dance, whose bohemian life and innovative technique continue to. She lived out the last of her days in Nice where she, herself, died in a bizarre automobile accident after her scarf caught in the spokes of a wheel. Isadora attended Cole Grammar School in West Oakland. American dancer who introduced the art of interpretive dance. She was mentored by librarian Ina Coolbrith, and it has been speculated that the affections of Isadora's father for Ina Coolbrith may have led to the divorce of Isadora's parents 3. accident on the Seine River on 19 April 1913, and Duncan herself died years later in another when her long scarf caught in the tires of an automobile in. She was born in San Francisco, but she and her mother moved to Oakland by 1880. She died in a gruesome accident in France, when one of her signature flowing scarves became caught in the wheels and it dragged her from the car. In the United States, she was popular only in New York, and then only later in her life. Born in the United States, she lived in Europe and the Soviet Union from the age of 22 until her death at age 50.

Photo from Wikimedia Commons Angela Isadora ("Dora") Duncan (– September 14, 1927) was a pioneer in dance, often called "The Mother of Modern Dance". Photos Isadora Duncan (September 14, 1927) was a dancer, considered by many to be the creator of modern dance.